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History of breed

Millions of fans on five continents - such is the magnificent result of the selection work and the passion of enthusiasts.

For many decades, people have bred, selected and trained representatives of this breed, which currently has the highest rating in the world. Hunting dog. dethroning stars such as the German Shepherd and the Poodle! In conditions when the growth of traditionally popular breeds is more or less reduced, the current undoubted progress of Labradors looks especially impressive.

The peninsula from which they take their official name is not actually their homeland. The history of this peninsula is as changeable as the elements of the waves rolling on its shores. Occupying an area more than three times the size of Newfoundland, it repeatedly changed its owners: when in 1763 the peninsula was proclaimed the property of the British crown, Canada, the largest neighboring country, protested loudly, demanding that Labrador be transferred to its possession. The dispute dragged on for a long time. In 1909, the Newfoundland authorities offered Canada to buy Labrador for nine million dollars, and 23 years later they again, but equally unsuccessfully, made new offers of redemption. True, the amount they requested was twelve times higher than the original. Finally, April 1, 1949. Labrador, along with Newfoundland, became the tenth province of the Canadian Federation.


In general, the Labrador was born, most likely, on the island of Newfoundland, discovered in 1494. English fishermen. Fishing has become the main occupation of the British here. But in the 17th century, one of the natives of St. John's became actively interested in the "water dogs" that lived on the island. This population of "retrievers" (from retrieve - to find and bring killed game) included dogs with long wavy, as well as short and dense hair, but the basis of the future breed of Labrador Retrievers happened to be individuals with short and even hairline. Before this name was officially adopted in the United Kingdom, the first Labradors were called St. John's water dogs - evidence that their cradle was the island of Newfoundland, of which this city is the capital.

British sailors and entrepreneurs were so delighted with these dogs that in 1830-1840. began to take them to their homeland. The main delivery point for future Labradors to England was the port city of Poole. At first, they were taken apart by foresters and huntsmen, in addition to the setters and pointers that had become famous by that time on hunting.

In 1870 The Illustrated London News published an article about the Birmingham dog show with the following words: "Here you could see the difference between the famous Newfoundland and the black Labrador, which is undoubtedly a completely different breed."


In the world population of Labradors, several populations now coexist: field, exhibition, companion, as well as "dual-use" dogs, performing both in the rings of exhibitions and in field trials. We should also not forget that part of the breed that is used as guide dogs, search dogs, assistants to the disabled, etc. In a country like Denmark, for example, almost a third of Labradors are practical dogs (accompany dogs, guide dogs, etc.). ). It is quite clear that the Labrador received his place on the podium of the world's most common dogs in the same row with the German Shepherd and his "cousin" - the Golden Retriever, not in his original working qualities, but as a domestic dog, well adapted to life with a person and easily trained. . A hundred years ago, the pioneers of English dog breeding could not even imagine the possibility of such a situation. The fact is that in those countries where Labradors appeared, at first they always belonged to a certain “elite” group of owners who did not want to give “their dogs” into the service of anyone and everyone ...

However, in the process of evolution, this tendency to exclusivity has become obsolete. In 1998 the growth of the number of Labradors in England reaches a record figure - 35 thousand puppies. The popularity of the breed is especially characteristic of the United States, where the American Kennel Club annually records a five-fold increase in the number of registered puppies. This is the case in almost all major countries, world leaders in cynology, except for Japan, where small dogs enjoy special preference: their privileged status is explained by the peculiarities of urban life in this country.


For a long time, this breed of dog was called differently: small water dog, small Newfoundland, St. John's dog, small ssnt-John dog, short-haired St. Newfoundland water dog, black water dog.

From now on and forever she is a Labrador Retriever!

1800 - 1810. bring the first dogs to England from St. John's.

1814: The Labrador Retriever is officially mentioned for the first time in the book A Manual for Young Sportsmen.

1823: Artist Edward Lendzier depicts one of the Labrador's ancestors for the first time in a painting titled "Bark, Labrador Bitch". Note that on this host, in the color of the Bark, white speckles are visible, which can be eliminated in the selection process.

1835: Scotland's first Labrador kennel, owned by the 5th Duke of Buccleuch, begins operations.

1870: The name "Labrador" ceases to be a rarity, as huntsmen began to actively use these black dogs, which searched for and served dead game.

1885: The UK introduces a mandatory six-month quarantine for all imported dogs.

1892: In the kennel of the Duke of Buccleuch, two yellow puppies are born in one of the litters from black parents.

1899: official registration in Britain of the first yellow puppy named Ben of Hyde from the kennel of Major K, J, Radcliffe.

1903: On July 7, the Kennel Club officially recognizes the Labrador and on November 3, it is included in the group of gun dogs.

1905: In January, the Labrador's own show classes are finally established, distinct from those of other retrievers.

1911: Opening of the Retriever Club in France.

1912: The number of Labrador puppies registered by the Kennel Club exceeded 200.

1916: Thanks to the efforts of two pioneer breeders - Countess Lorna Howe, who became famous for her black Labs from the Banchory kennel, and Lord Knutsford, who created a line of Labradors in the Manden kennel, represented in the bloodlines of all modern Labradors - the current "elder" is created clubs - The Labrador Retriever Club.

1917: Twenty years after the arrival of Labradors in the USA, the American Kennel Club registers the first "official" litter in their stud book.

1922: English breeders registered about 1,000 puppies (exact figure 916).

1923: The Rt Hon A. Holland Hiebert (later Lord Knutsford) publishes an article clarifying the provisions of the 1916 standard.

1925: The formation of the Yellow Labrador Retriever Club.

1931: Creation of the Labrador Retriever Club Incorporation in the USA.

1932 and 1933: Two years in a row Black Labrador Champion Bremshaw Bob wins Best in Show at the Kraft show.

1959: Revival of interest in the Labrador in the United States in connection with the issuance of a postage stamp with his image (the stamp featured a black Labrador King Buck).

1988: British dog breeders are shocked by the murder of an outstanding breeder, Joan Macken, who has devoted more than 50 years of her life to breeding Labradors (Teamspring Kennel).

1989: Labrador becomes the most popular breed in England - 26,392 registrations in the Kennel Club stud book.

1991: The Labrador Retriever becomes the number one American breed. He retains this place to this day.

1998: England record: the number of registered Labrador births per year reaches 36,000.

1999: Dog breeders around the world hear of the death of Gwen Broadley, the founder of modern Labrador breeding (Sandilands Kennel). The line of this kennel continues to exist successfully, in particular, thanks to Erika Hayes, who has raised several champions.

2003: The Labrador Retriever Club celebrates the breed's centenary at the luxurious Belvoir Castle estate in Grantham, where a two-day anniversary show was held with about 1000 dogs!


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